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52/58 ft new build

Gamle Swede in light air © Swedesail
Gamle Swede in light air © Swedesail

Sailing Swede 55 for decades, I developed ideas to refine the joy. It would be the same boat better: a new build with higher ballast ratio, launched with the planned or even less displacement. This would bring Swede 55 back to its origins: as outlined in Forerunners.

Swede 55 displacement

Knud Reimers had planned Swede 55 with a displacement of 17,085 lbs (7.75 t) and 7,500 lbs (3.4 t) lead, a ballast ratio of 44%. When he saw the prototype floating at Fisksätra Varv in Västervik he noted it sitting some centimeters deeper in the water than anticipated. To make full use of Swede 55s properties and to delay headsail changes/the need to reef, it should get a ballast ratio of 54 percent. Obviously, adding lead to a boat and getting it lighter at the same time is a challenge.

Swede 55 in advanced construction

Together with the well-reputed composite boat builder Baltic Yachts a new build was evaluated in an advanced construction method. Depending on the client’s budget, four technology, construction, and weight saving levels are suggested – from medium tech (left column) to grand prix technology (right column).  The latter with reduced pre impregnated resin content, cured in an autoclave to make full use of the chemical process and adhesive properties.

4 Techlevels Glass/Kevlar Iso-Polyester Glass/Kevlar Epoxy/Vacuum Karbon/Kevlar Epoxy/Vacuum Karbon/Kevlar Epoxy Prepreg
Hull 1,168 kg 1,015 kg 812 kg 702 kg
Deck 414 kg 348 kg 278 kg 239 kg
Interiour 712 kg 712 kg 570 kg 456 kg
  2,294 kg 2,075 kg 1,660 kg 1,402 kg
  100 % 90 % 72 % 61 %
Keel 4,372 kg 4,115 kg 3,628 kg 3,324 kg
Deck fittings 129 kg 129 kg 129 kg 129 kg
Winches 51 kg 51 kg 51 kg 51 kg
Teak deck 137 kg 137 kg 137 kg 137 kg
Engine 229 kg 229 kg 229 kg 229 kg
Plumbing 172 kg 172 kg 172 kg 172 kg
Electricity 260 kg 260 kg 260 kg 260 kg
Mast & rigging 327 kg 327 kg 327 kg 327 kg
Steering 57 kg 57 kg 57 kg 57 kg
Equipment 70 kg 70 kg 70 kg 70 kg
Weight excl. keel 3,726 kg 3,507 kg 3,092 kg 2,834 kg
Weight incl. keel 8,098 kg 7,622 kg 6,720 kg 6,158 kg
Comparison level 1-4 100 % 94 % 83 % 76 %

This calculation is based on a heavy and forgiving Seldén aluminum spar. The new build would get a carbon spar with 50 percent bare tube weight of an aluminum spar. Composite rigging instead of stainless-steel cables will reduce the rigging weight even further. Thus, the design spiral and weight savings in other areas (down to a lighter engine, etcetera) are not yet contained in these preliminary numbers.

Built at the lowest tech level, Swede 55 would become lighter than the Fisksätra manufacture, with a way better ballast ratio of 54 percent. The two higher grade Carbon/Kevlar new builds (right columns) would require a redesign due to a weight saving of 1,4 or even two tons. Such a state-of-the-art Swede 55 displacing three quarters of the original will result in a new Sail area/Displacement ratio: A sensation to sail.

A second measure to gain stability could be to make the boat slightly wider. The gained righting moment to be evaluated in collaboration with a naval architect.  Such a refinement is a delicate task. Certainly, the elegance of Swede 55 with its slim rear overhang should be preserved.

Concept for a 58 ft (ca. 18 m) Swede

A 58 ft Swede was calculated on a conceptual basis in the same manner as outlined above: Here with 17.60 m LOA, 14 m waterline, 3.23 m beam.

4 Tech levelsGlass/Kevlar ISO-PolyesterGlass/Kevlar Epoxy/VacuumCarbon/Kevlar Epoxy/VacuumCarbon/Kevlar Epoxy Prepreg
Displacement11,012 kgs10,367 kgs9,141 kgs8,377 kgs
Lead5,946 kgs5,598 kgs4,936 kgs4,523 kgs
Comparison level 1-4100%94%83%76%

Built at the best technology level, this 58 foot Swede would displace just as much as the Fisksätra built Swede 55: again with a ballast ratio of 54 percent. An advanced construction for the connoisseur.

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