Swede 55 as Vindö

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Every sailor admires the Vindö cruising boats from the Swedish west coast. Vindös are seventies compromises worth looking at, made of a rock solid and easy-care fibreglass hull with a teak deck and a handsome mahogany superstructure. A tempting mix of practicality with the traditional look and feel aboard. The Dream of Lasse Ristikankare.

In the 1980s, Finnish wooden boatbuilder Lasse Ristikankare transformed a Swede 55 hull and deck shell near Turku into such a gem. The varnished mahogany foot rail, the traditional laid teak deck with king plank, the mahogany superstructure and the teak-covered cabin roof are a feast for the eyes. Even the transom came in glossy varnished mahogany. And the window frames in shiny stainless-steel suit well to Susaija. A boat as a piece of furniture.

Customized Swede 55 cockpit
The cockpit was customized as well – Photo Lasse Ristikankare

Modifications on and below deck

And Ristikankare did not leave it at that. He rethought and rebuilt his 55 in other ways as well. The cockpit came with a different helmsmans station with an old-fashioned wheel made of turned spokes and a 55 intarsia on the table.

Keelstepped mast aboard Swede 55  Quintus ex Susaija
Keelstepped mast aboard Quintus ex Susaija – Photo private/Swedesail archive

Below deck, too, Ristikankare made changes to his dreamboat. With a cabin layout according to his own ideas and in a traditional finish. It sailed as Susaija for a long time in Finland. For a while now, the gem has been sailing as Quintus in the Stockholm archipelago.

Swede 55 Quintus in archipelago of Finland
In Archipelago of Finland – Photo private/Swedesail archive

This is possible if the wood is exposed during the few months of the Nordic summer and otherwise kept indoors, cherished and cared for. Varnished mahogany requires attention with regular sanding, patience and skills with the brush. So a 55 can be built and adored like a Vindö. It just sails slightly different.

Veneered counter with raised letters. Swede 55 Quintus
Veneered counter with raised capital brass letters – Photo private/Swedesail archive

Photo on top by Ristikankare: Quintus ex. Susaija from 1985 in the Finnish archipelago. You found this article worthwhile? Subscribe to the newsletter and you won’t miss future articles.